I’ve noticed that recently my excitement for Star Wars has waned. Between oversaturation and toxic fandom, it’s just harder to get really hyped up for it. Even Galaxy’s Edge turned out to be underwhelming for me. I kept on forgetting that Rise of Skywalker was coming out, the big conclusion to the current incarnation of the Wars. Compare that to Endgame where I was on pins and needles for a week, scared of any spoilers, training my bladder for the 3+ hour runtime, and generally unable to think about anything else. I hadn’t even planned on getting advanced SW tickets, was just gonna wing it week of with A list, except a friend had an extra ticket with his crew. Having seen it now, I think my enthusiasm levels were appropriate.
Right so resistance is fighting the bad guys, Kylo Ren is ascending up the evil ranks, Rey is becoming stronger in the force. There’s questions to be answered, light saber duels to be fought, space craft to blow up, and threads of Rian Johnson’s previoius installment to destroy. I found it all rather underwhelming.
Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. There are some very happy surprises (cameos and throwbacks and easter eggs). I really do love Kylo’s arc. C3PO had some great show stealing moments. Rey is still one of the most badass characters in the galaxy. It just wasn’t the explosive finale I’d hoped for. Things were wrapped up all too neatly, without anything too unexpected. It was fun, just not very satisfying. Then again, that’s pretty much par for the course with me lately with this franchise.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – \m/ \m/ \m/