Three Identical Strangers

What? Dawn saw another documentary this year?! Oh my, this world is changing.

Here’s the deal, I’d been hearing how good this movie was for months now. I knew I wanted to see it, but wasn’t sure it was something that needed to be seen on the big screen. I’d held off for so long, surely I could hold off until Netflix. I’d even spoiled myself for some of the twists because I didn’t expect to see it for a while. But the September crap was getting to me. I’d just seen 4 movies in a row that ranged from boring to mediocre. I craved a good movie.

This doc tells the story of Bobby, Eddie, and David: triplets separated and infancy and unexpectedly reunited at 19. The whole thing is so stranger than fiction, you prolly wouldn’t believe it if it were told in any format other than documentary. But where it really starts to get wild is in trying to find out exactly why they were separated. I’ll admit, the shock was a little worn down for me because I’d already looked it up, but I was still absolutely captivated.

I’ve mostly been turned off from docs because I’m used to thinking about them as this try and informative thing. I like being told stories, and traditional films typically deliver on that better. However, this year has been all about changing how I think about the genre. This film is so dynamic and bright and engaging. Given that there’s a good chance it’ll be up for Oscar (as will Won’t You Be My Neighbor), I think I’m gonna make a point, for the first time ever, to try and watch all of this year’s nominated docs. I’ve definitely learned that I should no longer dismiss the genre as a whole. So if you’re like me, this might be one for you to check out. Could be a game changer.

Three Identical Strangers – \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

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