“Stardust is blowing up! So to step up my game, I’m revisiting my Top 100 there on the app, so be sure and follow me.
One of the most popular movies you’ll find on that app right now is Baby Driver, and for good reason: THIS MOVIE IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I could tell just from the trailer that this was gonna be everything I wanted in a movie and oh sweet baby driving Jesus it was. Action, comedy, music, cast, everything was perfection. The suspense was palpable and sustained over long periods of time. Each actor continued outdoing the one before. And oh how the music was worked in.
I think that was my favorite part. You know how the soundtrack stole the show of the first Guardians of the Galaxy? Like that, but better. Entire scenes were choroegraphed to the music. Seriously, who’d ever heard of a choreographed chase sequence? From the opening scene with Baby rocking out at the pickup spot, I knew this was going to be something special, but I had no idea how much so.
I could continue gushing and I would not do justice to this movie. All I can say is that Edgar Wright is genius, and I cannot freaking wait to watch this movie again. Films like this are why I love movies. I’m always chasing the rush this one brings, and it’s a rare feeling to capture.
Baby Driver – \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/”