Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

“If there was ever gonna be a way to get me to see Pride and Prejudice, it would have to be with zombies. God knows, people have tried to no avail. A former roommate saw the BBC version with some frequency, but never succeeded in getting me to join her. Now, I kind of wish I had done my homework before seeing this movie. No, I’m never going to read it, and getting me to watch a film version would take some doing, but I could have at least read thru it on Sparknotes or something. I think I would have appreciated it so much more if I was able to get the references and pick out original vs altered plot points.

As it was, it kinda felt like a mess. It all just seemed kinda incoherent and disjointed. The tonal shifts between the P&P and the Z were abrupt and always seemed kinda off. I don’t really know how to describe it, other than just saying “”meh””. Simply put, I was unimpressed. Yes it was a fun and different movie, but not as much as I was hoping. Talking to some friends about it later that day, one of them suggested that the film was maybe five years too late. I think that basically nailed it.

Oh, one solid thing in the plus column, Matt Smith (of Doctor Who fame) stole all his scenes. So that was cool

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – \m/ \m/ \n”

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