Bringing Out the Dead

“I don’t get this movie. You’d think it’s dark style would totally be my thing, but I just don’t get it. Part of that I think has to do with the fact that our leading man, Frank played by Nicholas Cage, is at such a rock bottom point in his life. He’s not happy or likeable, so it makes it difficult to get invested in the film. IMDB trivia tells me that the screenwriter’s first choice for the role was Edward Norton. I’ve spent half the film trying to picture what his performance would have been like. I think he coulda added a bit of a spark to the role, but then again I’m biased. I’ve never been much of a Nicholas Cage fan and Edward Norton is my fave.

The film also had an uphill battle for my attention just from the setting. The first time that Frank and his shift partner bring someone in to the ER, the place is crawling with junkies. It’s just a disgusting place, and I had no faith in the doctors there. Basically the exact antithesis of Princeton Plainsboro (I’ve been watching House lately). I was just uncomfortable watching that.

I’m still having a hard time believing this is a Scorsese film. It’s just so different from the rest of his films that I know well.

Fifteen minutes left in the movie and it’s taking all my willpower not to pass out on this couch right now. I thought I’d learned not to watch blog movies on Fridays after a long week.”

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