“Hey there, kids, guess what? Looks like my summer is gonna be conducive to doing another mini project on the side, when I’m not at all those big blockbuster new releases. To make it an explosive season, we’ll be looking at the works of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. These jacks-of-all-trades have written, directed, acted in, edited, scored, and worn many many hats for some of my favorite movies. I actually consider Tarantino to be my number one all time favorite director: Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction. All gold.
The reason I decided to do both of these guys together is that they collaborate so frequently, if I only did one and then decided to do the other, I’d be duplicating efforts across the board. Tarantino wrote From Dusk Til Dawn, which he stars in, directed by Rodriguez. Tarantino guest directed a scene in Rodriguez’ Sin City. Each helm a vignette in Four Rooms. And of course, there’s the whole Grindhouse thing. You really can’t talk about one without mentioning the other, and I think it’s gonna be really interesting to see how the most badass film bromance influences their work.
Now, the big question: Quinbert Tarandriguez? Robin Rotino? Maybe not.”