“My very first slumber party, I was 5. The asst pastor’s daughter, Melody, had a birthday and all of us church kids were invited. We watched Home Alone, my first PG movie. I guess if the pastors thought it was okay for their munchkin to watch, my parents could allow it. Most of the other kids had seen it before, so they were quoting along with some of the most random lines. But what really awed us was the traps section at the end. When the movie ended, we ran around the house trying to see how much of it we could recreate (none of it). When I got the movie for myself, I used to watch that section over and over.
Over time, I did come to appreciate more of the film. Looking at it now, Macaulay Culkin’s performance is rather phenomenal when you think about it. This little kid carried the entire movie, often for long scenes by himself. Not a lotta grown up actors can pull that off.
I’d also like to think that this film is partly responsible for my love of sarcasm.
And now that we’ve reached the traps, Im too distracted to actually write anything further.”