“Today’s theater movie was Sherlock Holmes, or How Guy Ritchie Got His Groove Back.
When I first heard that Robert Downey Jr was gonna be playing Sherlock Holmes on screen, I was happily intrigued. When I first saw the trailer, I squealed with delight. When I heard (and Im still not sure how I found this out so late) that Guy Ritchie was directing, I jumped in the air and screamed excitedly. Im a big Guy Ritchie fan. Snatch is my sixth all time favorite movie, and I of course love Lock Stock… as well. We all know that Swept Away nearly killed his career (no I haven’t seen it). Revolver wasn’t that great. Rocknrolla was a step in the right direction, but still not up to his caliber. But finally, with Sherlock Holmes, he is on his way back to the top.
Now it seems that lately there’s always two things (different ones each time) that hinder my movie experience. This time it was that I was really hungry during the second half, and also the screen was _really_ dark. Too dark to have been a directorial choice, and also I think it was a bit dark during the previews (which were kinda awesome, btw). So didnt enjoy it as much as I otherwise would have, but I still think it was quite good.
There was so much that I thought really rocked about it. There was the really quickly cut shots (a Ritchie signature) used for reveals. And the whole mystical element mixed in with the mystery. The fight scenes were great, especially when Holmes would spell out his moves in slo-mo then kick some ass.
What really got me going, though, was the Holmes/Watson relationship. Why? Because Im a huge fan of House. I’d heard that House and Wilson’s bromance was based on Holmes and Watson (get it? Holmes –> House), but that was kinda always just something I knew, but didnt fully grasp. But seeing them bicker, with Holmes meddling and Watson always coming back, I so totally \m/ get it now.
And yes, Robert Downey Jr was amazing beyond all reason. So smart and charming and tough and oh yeah, sexy like whoa. Never previously understood the fascination with Jude Law, but that’s something else I now get–also charming and sweet and clever. Always adore Rachel McAdams, and she was quite stunning as per usual.
Um, yeah, so Sherlock Holmes = WIN!
Sherlock Holmes – \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/